How to Disarm and Rearm Rules in iMonnit

The Concept of Disarming and Rearming Rules

Rules prompt the delivery of email, SMS text, or voice call notifications based on triggering Conditions. There are two ways a User can respond when a notification is delivered by a Rule. These responses are Disarming and Rearming the Rule. This article will outline the concepts behind Rules and responding to them.

  • Disarm: Stops sending repeat notifications on the configured Snooze time, even if the triggering Condition persists.
  • Rearm: Resets the Rule so that if a triggering Condition is detected again, a notification will be sent when that condition occurs again.

General Rule Escalation

The two main components of a Rule are Conditions and Tasks. The Condition initiates the escalation, and the Task is the action iMonnit takes in response to the Condition. Conditions can be initiated by a sensor reading, inactivity, schedule, and other means. In most cases, the trigger Condition is based on a sensor reading.

Tasks can be an alert email, SMS text, voice call notification, or actions taken by devices (Control Units/Local Alerts/Thermostats). Tasks can also include System Actions to activate, deactivate, Disarm (Acknowledge), or Rearm (Full Reset) a Rule. This article will focus on standard notification Tasks.

Observe the event escalation when you configure a Sensor Reading Rule to send a notification:

  1. The reading is received by iMonnit and initiates the escalation.
  2. This event triggers the configured notification to the User(s) configured as Recipient(s).

There is a 1 minute delay from the time a triggering Condition is detected by the iMonnit Portal and the time the notification is actually sent.

  1. When the notification is triggered, a small red dot over the “bell” icon is visible in iMonnit at the top left of the page; also, the status dot over any related triggering devices will be red while the triggering condition persists.

a. If you click the bell, you’ll see a list of notifications awaiting a response, as shown in the following image.

  1. If a user takes no action, the notification will continue to send repeat notifications on the configured Snooze timer.

a. The timer default is 60 minutes.

b. If the triggering condition persists and a user does not disarm the Rule, the notification will be sent every 60 minutes until it is disarmed or the triggering condition returns to normal (if Auto-Acknowledge is enabled).

  1. A user can Disarm the Rule if the sensor that triggered the Condition continues to report triggering conditions.

a. The user can Disarm the notification and stop the Rule from sending repeat 60-minute Snooze notifications (even if the triggering Condition persists).

i. Select the notification bell icon in the top left (shown in the image above, top right in the mobile app), then select the smaller Disarm bell icon in the presented overlay menu.

  1. Once the sensor reports that the triggering condition has ended, the Rule will be Rearmed (if the Auto Acknowledge feature is enabled).

a. The sensor detects normal conditions, and the Rule is reset so that it can be triggered again if the sensor reports a triggering condition.

  1. If users Disarm a Rule, they can manually Rearm the Rule.

a. This might occur if you want to stop the notification from sending because of the triggering condition, but you want a notification sent again if the triggering condition persists on subsequent readings.

b. If you Disarmed and subsequently Rearmed a Rule, it would effectively reset the notification completely.

Rule Color Coding

When viewing the Rules tab in iMonnit, you may see Rules highlighted in red or yellow.

  • Yellow—Rules that are Disarmed and not Rearmed are tied to triggers that are still triggering. These Rules will not continue to send notifications on the configured Snooze time.
  • Red—Rules that are not Disarmed or Rearmed and are tied to triggers that are still triggering. These Rules will continue to send notifications on the configured Snooze time.

The Rule can be highlighted in red, indicating a Trigger sensor meets the triggering condition, even if the Rule is disabled and not sending.

Notifications Will Send for 24 Hours, Then Stop

If a notification is not Disarmed/Rearmed within 24 hours, it will stop sending. Monnit considers 24 hours of notification sending on Snooze enough time for a user to address the triggering condition. Therefore after 24 hours, the notification will no longer trigger. If a user Disarms/Rearms the Rule at that point, it will trigger again. But if the Rule is not Rearmed, it will no longer trigger.


Understand the Disarm, Rearm, and Snooze time so you can manage your Rules. If you have further inquiries, feel free to contact Monnit Support.

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