How iMonnit HX Works

The standard minimum Heartbeat for sensors used in iMonnit Online is 10 minutes. While a 10-minute Heartbeat is more than adequate for most users, Monnit recognizes the necessity of some customers to operate with a more frequent Heartbeat.

This need is why Monnit offers special credits (iMonnit HX Credits) that allows setting a sensor Heartbeat to be as frequent as 1 minute using iMonnit Online.

These Credits allow iMonnit Premiere users to apply a Heartbeat as frequently as 1 minute to sensors. As long as the Premiere account has adequate credits to cover the frequent Heartbeats, the sensor will check in with the configured frequency and use the HX Credits to display the data points

Operational Details

Once you have applied an iMonnit HX Activation Key to your iMonnit Online account, your Account will be HX Enabled and be permitted to configure sensor Heartbeats as frequently as 1 minute. 

The credits will not be depleted if your sensor does not check in more frequently than 10 minutes on that given day. All sensor Heartbeats over the daily limit of 150 records will use an iMonnit HX Credit.

Total daily Heartbeat per sensor: 150

Monnit allows for 150 Heartbeats per day per sensor before iMonnit HX Credits are used. The following benchmark calculates this threshold:

1 sensor with a 10-minute Heartbeat = 6 Heartbeats per hour

(60 minutes / 10 minute Heartbeat = 6 Heartbeats per hour) = (144 Heartbeats per day)

(6 Heartbeats per hour X 24 hours = 144 Heartbeats per day)

+ 6 additional Heartbeats allowed for Aware Readings = 150 Heartbeats per day

HX Credits will not be used if the sensor does not have more than 150 data points in a given day. Any number of Heartbeats over 150 in a given day will use HX Credits at 1 HX Credit per Heartbeat.


  • An active iMonnit Premiere account
  • A sensor that supports a 1-minute Heartbeat Interval
  • Adequate iMonnit HX Credits

If you run out of iMonnit HX Credits

Your Account has been HX Enabled after you have purchased iMonnit HX Credits and applied the Activation Key. 

If you run out of HX Credits and your sensors continue to check in with frequent Heartbeats, the data produced by that sensor will be hidden from view if it crosses the 150 reading threshold. 

If your data is hidden due to insufficient HX Credits, you will need to purchase additional credits or contact Monnit Support to disable iMonnit HX on your Account. 

You will also need to set your sensor Heartbeats to 10 minutes or greater.

You will see a message indicating (HX Message Credits Consumed) under the Readings tab of your sensor if you have run out of iMonnit HX Credits.


If you have iMonnit HX enabled, and your HX Credits have been entirely used (see the "If you run out of iMonnit HX Credits" section of the iMonnit HX article), access to your data will be restricted, and your Webhooks will be disabled.

If you no longer wish to utilize HX Credits, Monnit Support will remove the HX Enabled option, and your Heartbeats will have a 10-minute limit, and you will see the hidden data. To discontinue iMonnit HX on your Account, please send a request to to turn off the HX Credits feature.

Important: If you purchased additional credits to replenish the HX Credits on the Account and continue to operate with iMonnit HX, the credits you bought will be first applied to the deficit of Heartbeats that occurred since running out of credits. 

Therefore, after purchasing HX Credits, the balance you see available will be what is left over after addressing the deficit from the date the HX Credits were applied.

Also, the HX Credits section of the iMonnit Account has an area where you can configure a threshold that triggers a notification to be sent warning of low HX Credits to prevent an account from running out of credits unexpectedly. 

The notification will be sent once the available HX Credits fall below this threshold.

Gateway bandwidth limit with 1-minute Heartbeats

It is important to consider gateway bandwidth when operating with Heartbeats as frequently as 1 minute. Most gateways support up to 100 sensors at a time. However, rapid Heartbeats reduce the gateway radio bandwidth per sensor. 

With this reduction in mind, good operating standard practice is limiting sensor Heartbeats to a minimum of 2 minutes to support up to 100 sensors per gateway. If you require 1-minute Heartbeats, the maximum number of sensors you will want to have to communicate with that gateway is 50 sensors to account for reduced bandwidth.

Purchasing and applying HX Credits

You can visit the online store to purchase iMonnit HX Credits. Select the Purchase HX Credits prompt and the Number in the Quantity prompt, and select the Checkout button.

The Checkout button will you move you to the Wallet tab. Fill out prompted fields and press Save. If the credit card is already saved, select Use this Card.

In the Use This Card field, purchase can be viewed. An invoice/receipt can be emailed to a single or multiple recipients. Select Purchase to finalize the purchase.

Once the HX purchase and quantity is made, you will receive an Activation Key to the provided email address. This code can be copied and entered into the HX Credits code redemption field and applied to your Account.


iMonnit HX Credits are a powerful tool for more rapid sensor data collection. If you have questions or issues regarding the operation of the iMonnit HX Feature, please get in touch with

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