Internet of Things Intersection

Where the IoT and Green Building Initiatives Connect
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides the transformational synergy between green building design initiatives and daily operational sustainability. Placing an IoT platform of sensors at the center of operational and sustainable best practices helps blur the line between green and smart until they become one and the same.
This article highlights the advantages IoT technologies provide facility managers as they work to run smart, efficient, cost-effective buildings and deliver on green building standards.
Transforming Buildings to be Smart and Sustainable
With a well-designed IoT platform, companies turn legacy buildings into smart buildings, allowing data from commercial, industrial, enterprise, and individual devices to come together in the cloud.
The result is a network of interconnected devices that deliver data and provide insights to address critical business issues related to operational efficiency and sustainability.
Currently, buildings are responsible for 40% of global energy consumption and 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, according to the World Economic Forum. Companies must transform facilities into energy-efficient smart buildings to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets and regulatory requirements.
A smart building gathers operational data from a network of equipment and sensors. The building owner can continuously run analytics against the data to identify opportunities to improve building operations and the environment for occupants.
Vertical Market Focus

Keep Data Center Facilities Running Strong 24/7 with the IoT
To say the role of a data center or server room manager is multifaceted may be an understatement. Overall, they’re tasked to oversee IT issues—computer and server operations, vast amounts of data, services, and applications, and data security. Environmental and facility security concerns are high on their to-do lists too. Every part of the job is about high uptime.
The Internet of Things (IoT) can streamline the management of most of these responsibilities. Power consumption, facility and equipment temperatures, humidity, HVAC system performance, plumbing, cooling systems, physical access, and much more can all be monitored on an IoT platform or network of IoT devices.
See how an enterprise significantly lowered the risk of outages, mitigated environmental hazards, and saved thousands of dollars by avoiding temperature, humidity, and water damage to its IT infrastructure housed in server rooms and a data center.
IoT Insights

What People Are Saying About the IoT
When virtually everything—crops, air, soil, light, equipment, water, and more—in agriculture can talk to you, it means you have data to boost crop yields and build sustainable best practices. An IoT platform of wireless sensors can transform your agribusiness into precision agriculture.
Smart sensing and communication technologies advancements continue to create new and better farming best practices. Precision irrigation optimization and photosynthetic light monitoring in fields, greenhouses, grow houses, and orchards are two of the many ways smart farming is rapidly evolving.
Read about how data insights from these and other IoT agritech solutions are helping indoor and outdoor farmers reap the benefits of precision agriculture.
Agriculture IoT Promotes Sustainable Practices
The smart agriculture industry, also called precision agriculture, seeks to address the global necessity to increase sustainable practices in farming, improve crop yields and optimize agricultural resource use through IoT technology.
The most prominent reason for this need is population growth. The current global agricultural system is under constant increasing pressure to supply more food: The world population will approach 8 billion by 2023, according to the United Nations, and is expected to surpass 10 billion people in the next 40 years.
The agricultural industry must also attend to a vast public awareness that the world requires improved stewardship of the global environment, including air, soil, water, and climate. In agriculture, such stewardship refers to sustainable practices that are nature-positive or regenerative, nondepleting, and nondestructive to the ecosystem.
IoT can transform the agriculture industry into nature-positive precision agriculture through combinations of technology advancements in sensing and communications.
IoT Cellular Network News

Upgrade IoT Devices Before the AT&T 3G Network Sunset
On February 22, 2022, AT&T will shut down its 3G network. AT&T 3G customers will be without service if they don’t upgrade their devices—including Internet of Things (IoT) devices with a 3G data plan.
The cellular carrier is shifting more and more of its focus to its 5G network. Most devices now run on either 4G or 5G networks. AT&T is notifying customers that they must upgrade to at least a 4G LTE-enabled device before the sun sets on its 3G network.
The end of 3G is coming for every cellular device customer—no matter the carrier. So now’s a good time to look at the connected devices your business owns and plan your path to more advanced cellular networks.

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