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New on our Sensor Shelves—Introducing the ALTA PAR Light Meter
The ALTA® by Monnit Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Light Meter is now available to order. It’s here to deliver valuable data to professional growers about how much light their crops are getting.
You don’t need to be a professional grower to appreciate the importance of the ALTA PAR Light Meter. Especially when it helps agritech experts ensure your favorite crops grow their best in greenhouses, grow houses, and more.
The new full-spectrum, scientific-grade sensor is an essential tool for growers to accurately measure photosynthetic light levels that directly affect plant health and growth. Using the ALTA PAR Light Meter, growers can:
- Monitor and manage grow light performance to reduce operating costs.
- Optimize lighting in various environments to maximize growth and harvest quality.
- Track plant light exposure and duration to maintain saturation levels, preventing damage and inhibited or excessive growth.
Ultimately, growers can reap the value of monitoring PAR light reactively and reach the exponential returns of their predictive and transformative light management methods—according to Walters’ Law of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Curious to know more? Discover what the new ALTA PAR Light Meter can do.
Tech News

How’s Your iMonnit Experience?
We recognize that may not be a simple question to answer. That’s why we’re making a survey asking our valued iMonnit Software users to tell us what you think.
We want to know about your experience using iMonnit as you manage your sensor network. Soon, we’ll ask many users of iMonnit to participate in this important survey. If you’re selected, we want to thank you in advance for your help to make iMonnit the best it can be.
Your opinion matters to us—a lot. Your experience is at the core of what we do.
With iMonnit being a cloud-based monitoring platform, we’re making ongoing enhancements based on user feedback. We’re in it—creating, developing, enhancing, and working—right there with you.
But we’re constantly working not just to make enhancements. We want your iMonnit experience to be transformative. So we need your feedback to ensure we not only meet your monitoring preferences but help you get even more value out of your investment in the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies from Monnit.
Have an iMonnit account? Please stay tuned for a survey from Monnit in your inbox. If you’d like to be one of the first to receive the survey email us at survey@monnit.com.
Thanks again for your help,
Your friends at Monnit
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Tech Tip

This is the fourth tip in a four-part series designed to help you make the most of your experience with our Soil Moisture Sensor.
Part 4
After you’ve installed the ALTA® Wireless Soil Moisture Sensor and have it working in your growing operations and sending you data, you need to know how to interpret all of that actionable data.
In this final part of the Soil Moisture Sensor series, we’ll share how to make sense of the sensor’s readings coming to you in iMonnit. We'll also provide a handy graph to help you create reference points for your site and application.
Read this short article to implement some best data analytics practices.
Missed the other parts of this series? Read How the Soil Moisture Sensor Works, How to Install the Soil Moisture Sensor, and How to Install the Soil Moisture Sensor by Field and Crop Type.
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